miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008

LISTA DE LIBROS incluido en el paquete Curso ENARM 2009

Puedes checar el contenido completo del curso ENARM 2009 en la siguiente pagina:



Manual ACLS. 2005 (Ultima edicion)

Manual ATLS. 7Ed (Ultima edicion)

Manual PHTLS

Diagnostico y Tratamiento Medico 2006, Papdakis

PLM 2008 Diccionario de Especialidades Farmacéuticas

Anamnesis normal

CIE 10 Clasificación de los Transtornos Mentales (Criterios de la OMS)

DSM IV TR (español)

Estrategias tx en urgencias 2ed

Guyton Tratado de Fisiologia Medica, 10Ed

Goodman & Gilmans Las Bases Farmacologicas de la Terapéutica, 9Ed

Farreras Medicina Interna,14ed

Harrison Medicina Interna, 14Ed

Lehninger Principios de Bioquimica, 2Ed, Lehninger Nelson Cox

Manual de Medicina Interna

Manual de Urgencias Medicas
Manejo Prehospitalario embolia
Manual 12 de Octubre
Manual de Cirugia General
Manual de Pediatria
Manual de Primeros Auxilios
Manual de Semiologia
Manual Farmacoterapeutico
Manual Merck 10ed Edicion del centenario
Manual Radiologia toracica
Mosby-Diccionaio Medico
Netter-Anatomy Color
Obstetricia y Ginecologia
Principios De Urgencias Emergencias y Cuidados Criticos

Roitt Inmunologia, 5Ed
sIntomas y signos

Seminarios de Dermatologia

Tratado de Psiquiatria, 2 Ed, The American Psychiatric Press (español)

Urgencias en Ginecología y Obstetricia, 2004
Ventilacion mecanica en pediatria


CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2009

ABC of Resuscitation, 5Ed, Colquhourn, 2004

ACLS, Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care

Adams Principles Of Neurology 8Th, 2005

Bailey Surgical Textbook

Baum's Textbook of Pulmonary Diseases 7th ed
Berek Practical Gynecologic Oncology 3ed
Briggs - Drugs in Pregnacy and Lactation 6ed
Cancer Staging & Treatment
Carpenter - Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 2nd Ed
Cecil Textbook of Medicine
Cherry & Merkatz's Complications of Pregnancy 5ed
CID 10.pdb
Cline - Emergency Medicine - A Comprehensive Study Guide Com

Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple, Goldberg

Clinical Dermatology - A Color Guide to Diagnosis and Therapy, 4Ed, Habif, 2003
Color Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy
CURRENT Cardiology 2ed with images
CURRENT Critical Care Diagnosis & Treatment 2nd ed with images
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Infectious Diseases 1st ed
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics 3rd ed with images
CURRENT Gastroenterology 2ed with Images
CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2006
CURRENT Ob&Gyn 9ed with images
CURRENT Pediatrics 16ed with Images
CURRENT Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment 11ed With images
Dahnert - Radiology Review Manual 4th - No Images
Danforth's Ob&Gyn 9ed with images

Diagnostic Radiology, 4 Ed, Grainger & Allison with images


Feldman - Sleisenger & Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver
Fetology - Diagnosis and Management of the Fetal Patient 1st

Fischbach - A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 7th ed
Gabbe - Obstetrics - Normal and Problem Pregnancies 4th ed

Goodman & Gilmans The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 11Ed, 2006

Harris - Diseases of the Breast 2nd ed
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Edition

Handbook of Pathophysiology, 2001, Frizzell

Havens - Manual of Outpatient Gynecology 4ed
Hoffman - Hematology- Basic Principles and Practice 3rd ed

Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology 6th Ed
kistner's gynecology and women's health

Langman'S Medical Embryology, 9Ed, 2002, Sadler
Manual of Clinical Oncology

Manual of Family Practice, 2 ed, 2001, Taylor (pdb)
Merck Geriatrics, 3rd Ed
Merck Manual -17th Ed

Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance

Medical Pharmacology at a Glance

Medical Haematology at a Glance

Medical Endocrinology at a Glance

Medical Nephrology at a Glance

Medical Biochemistry at a Glance

Surgery at a Glance

Moore Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 4Ed
Neinstein - Adolescent Health Care - A Practical Guid
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics 17ed
Novak's Gynecology 13ed
Pediatric Surgical Handbook
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th Edition

Robbins Review of Pathology + 1100 Questions
Roberts and Hedges Emergency Medicine Procedures
Rubin Ovarian Cancer 2ed
Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 16th Edition
Schwartz Principles of Surgery 7ed

Schwartz - Principles of Surgery, Companion Handbook 7th ed
Speroff - Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility
Sweet - Infectious Diseases of the Female Genital Tract 4ed

The ICU Book 2nd Ed
Tintinalli Emergency Medicine: A comprehensive Study Guide, 6Ed, 2003, (pdb)

University of Iowa Family Practice Handbook 4ed

Underground Clinical Vignettes-Pathophysiology I, 3Ed, 2002, Bhushan (PDF)

Underground Clinical Vignettes-Pathophysiology II, 3Ed, 2002, Bhushan (PDF)

Underground Clinical Vignettes-Pathophysiology III, 3Ed, 2002, Bhushan (PDF)
Walsh - Campbell's Urology 8th ed
Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics 31ed
Washington Manual of Surgery 2002

The Washington Manual of Oncology, 1Ed, 2002
What to order when 2ed
Williams Endocrinology 10ed(all imgs)
Williams Obstetrics 21st Ed With Images
Wills eye manual 3ed
Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology 10ed with images
Yanoff - Ophthalmology 2nd ed with images